Bedford Day Care Hospice

Bedford Day Care Hospice received a large donation from The Connolly Foundation to extend its day lounge and improve facilities.

The Hospice provides individualised holistic care to patients suffering with a life-limiting condition from the point of diagnosis through treatment to remission or palliative care. Support for carers is also central to the ethos of the Hospice.

Jinny Shoosmith, Head of Fundraising at BDH, said:” We are so grateful to all the Charitable Trusts, including The Connolly Foundation, for making this extension and refurbishment possible. We are delighted to welcome patients back to the Hospice.” When attending the Hospice patients describe the positive impact of “being able to talk about health concerns and anxieties” while carers “appreciate the opportunity to spend time doing something for myself”.

The design of the new extension gives additional space, and has increased patient numbers by up to 50 per cen. Improved facilities also make the Hospice more accessible to patients with complex needs.